An aerial view of a city along a coastline. The sky is blue with some distant clouds.
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September 6, 2024

Secretary Blinken’s Travel

Secretary Blinken visits Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

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In Other News

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    Supporting Sustainable Infrastructure and Women-Owned Businesses in Indonesia

    This landmark $125 million compact marks another important step in advancing our bilateral relationship.
  • September 5, 2024

    U.S.-ROK Working Group to Counter Cyber Threats

    The Group is pursuing a wide range of actions to disrupt the DPRK’s ability to generate revenue through malicious cyber activity.
  • September 5, 2024

    U.S.-Egypt Joint Economic Commission

    The JEC’s shared vision is to promote bilateral economic cooperation, advance investment opportunities, and strengthen business ties.

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The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future